5 tips for: Luang Prabang

A favourite for many people that visit Laos. But what makes Luang Prabang so interesting? Discover the friendly Laotian people, visit gorgeous waterfalls and discover the remains from the French time. Here you read my tips for the Laotian city Luang Prabang. 

Tempel Luang Prabang Laos

1. Pak Ou Caves

Impressive caves to visit near Luang Prabang are the Pak Ou Caves. If you arrive in Luang Prabang by slow boat, you’re likely to make a stop here. But otherwise, it is also no problem to take a boat from the city across the Mekong to these caves. Because yes, you don’t reach the caves by land. The entrance to the caves is at the Ou River. This is not the only thing that makes these caves special. Especially the many Buddha statues you find there make it worth a visit. There are thousands of statues here that people have taken and placed here. Some still look fairly new and other Buddha statues have been there for a while. At this place, there are two caves. The first cave has the entrance just above the river. The other cave you have to climb up slightly, up the steps, before you reach it. At the second cave, you can also see more dilapidated statues.

2. Kuang Si falls

Sometimes you see pictures and you can only hope it looks like that in real life. The Kuang Si falls is such a place. And I can say, it’s even more beautiful in real life! The falls are less than an hour’s drive from Luang Prabang. You are dropped off at the car park where you buy a ticket and take the shuttle to the starting point. First, you walk through a Bear Rescue park where bears live that have been rescued from deplorable conditions. Walk on and reach the first part of the falls. The water is so incredibly blue. It gets this colour because of the limestone rocks it flows over. The waterfalls come down through terraces. There is even a section where you can swim. A pleasant refreshment on a hot day, because yes the water is quite cold.

The highlight is the huge 60-metre waterfall. You can choose to make the hike up (note that flip-flops are not the best footwear on this part) to see the big waterfall from above. You can easily spend a whole day at the falls. In fact, there are several places to sit and enjoy the scenery. There is also a restaurant. Should you still have energy left for a last stop, there is also a butterfly park nearby where you can make a stop with the shuttle.

Grot Luang Prabang Laos
Kuang Si watervallen


Looking for the best sunset spot? You’ve found it! The third tip for Luang Prabang will take you to such a place. Mount Phou Si is the hill located right in the centre of Luang Prabang. It is a local religious site where, for a small fee, you can brave the steps to enjoy the view at the top. Also visit the temple Wat Chom Si here, which is worth a visit. Make your way up on time so you can take your time to see everything. You can also choose to take it easy during the day and come back with your ticket on the same day to see the sunset. It can get quite crowded before sunset, but watching the setting sun together with so many people has something beautiful about it. Watch the beautiful pink and orange hues in the sky as the sun sinks behind the mountains and the Mekong.

4. Visit the night market

If you are in Asia, you will come across many night markets. Enjoy strolling around the market among the various souvenirs, clothes and different stands selling food. The night market in Luang Prabang is no exception. In the evening, one of the main streets is closed to traffic and the market is displayed. It is one long road filled with all kinds of goodies. If you are looking for souvenirs, this is a perfect place; buy a nice card or a painting and eat a cake you scored in the meantime. One stall that stood out was the one where they sold all kinds of objects made from bomb remnants. This way, people are reminded of history and by buying you contribute to people still living with the effects of the bombs. After you have finished the whole market, it is time to sit at one of the tables and order some food and drinks from the various stalls. A perfect way to end the day.


5. Traditional Arts and Ethnology Centre

If you want to learn more about the culture of Laos, this museum is a good option. It is a small museum so within an hour you will be through it, but this is perfect for learning that little bit extra during your trip. This museum showcases various items from different ethnic groups. Discover clothes, musical instruments and tools. This way, you will learn about Laos’ rich culture and the different customs of each group. Outside are a few more different options to get creative yourself. Will you succeed in braiding with small bamboo sticks?

Those were my 5 tips for Luang Prabang. Besides having plenty to do here, it is also the perfect place to stroll around and sit on a terrace with a cup of coffee or tea. The atmosphere in this city is lovely and you will find that you can easily spend a few days here. Join the locals at an evening karaoke, try a Lao bbq or hire a bike and ride along the Mekong.